Wednesday, 12 March 2025 PL EN | |


Death and life in Ancient Egypt

Nature and everyday life

Numerous objects of everyday use combined together in the Nature and Everyday Life section bear witness to the mastery of Egyptian craftsmanship and show the sources of iconographic inspirations for their makers. The forms and symbolism of the artefacts mirror the abundant fauna and flora of the Nile valley, the Nile delta and the surrounding deserts – from the fish representing deities, through a monkey holding a small cosmetic vessel. However, the human body is also a focus of interest, as proven by such items as a mirror, a headrest, a clapper and anthropomorphic clay vessels. The natural resources show their richness in the quantity of materials used for making luxurious objects. Colourful stones were used for vessels; furniture, baskets, sandals were made from wood, papyrus reed and palm fibre. A hoe and model granaries represent another important face of the Egyptian civilization – agriculture.

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