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Department of Non-European Archaeology

The Department of Non-European Archaeology specialises in the research on the Mediterranean and North Africa. Our studies concentrate on Egyptology, Nubiology, and prehistoric rock art. We gather, catalogue, and care over non-European artefacts from the Museum collection. We take part in excavation research and rock art surveys, often in cooperation with other professionals from Poland and abroad.The results of our research are published in Polish and international studies and periodicals. We create and curate exhibitions, and organise international conferences dedicated to African archaeology. 

The Use-Wear Analysis Laboratory, operating as part of the Department, carries out functional analyses of artefacts made of flint, bone and antler from excavations conducted in Europe and non-European areas, dating from the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Early Bronze periods.

Staff members:

Dr Małgorzata Winiarska-Kabacińska - Head; Use-Wear Analysis Laboratory; American and Asian Archaeology Unit
phone +48 61 6285528

Dr Marek Chłodnicki - Egiptology Unit, Nubiology Unit

Dr Dobiesława Bagińska - Nubiology Unit

Dr Andrzej Ćwiek - Egiptology Unit

Dr Paweł Polkowski - Rock Art Unit