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Arche, Archaeo, Archaeology - temporary exhibition (16 December 2024 - 28 February 2025)

Arche, Archaeo, Archaeology - temporary exhibition (16 December 2024 - 28 February 2025)

On display: 16 December 2024 - 28 February 2025

Exhibition curators (University of the Arts Poznan): Professor Wiesław Napierała, Dr Izabela Grudzińska, 

Exhibition coordinator (Archaeological Museum in Poznań)Dr Maciej Przybył

The contemporary art exhibition "Arche, Archeo, Archaeology," organised by the Faculty of Sculpture at Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts in Poznań in collaboration with the Archaeological Museum, is the third artistic event at Poznań’s Górka Palace inspired by archaeology. This exhibition brings together works by the artists of the Faculty of Sculpture and their colleagues from other faculties at the University of the Arts. Set in the museum's courtyard, the show primarily features small-scale sculptures, complemented by paintings, prints, multimedia presentations, and computer animations.

The exhibition centres around three interconnected concepts: Arche, which refers to the primordial substance, the fundamental building block of reality, and the primal principle that initiates a series of events and phenomena, living independently of human involvement; Archaeo, a term tied to antiquity and the origins of civilisation; and Archaeology, the discipline that uncovers this ancient past. These concepts touch on the elemental truths essential for understanding the roots of human spirituality.

The artists, inspired by these themes, have presented a wide range of interpretations in their works, reflecting significant differences in how these concepts are understood and expressed.

The works were created with a diverse array of materials and techniques, including metal casting, wood, resin, stone, blown glass, 3D-printed sculptures designed with computer software, wicker, copper engraving, computer animation, and other personal techniques.

