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Archeology of Sudan


Berger/Geoffroy-Schneiter/Leclant 1997
C. Berger, B. Geoffroy-Schneiter i J. Leclant, L’ABCdaire du Soudan. Royaumes sur le Nil, Paryż 1997

Chłodnicki 2007
M. Chłodnicki, Od Kadero do 4-tej katarakty. 35 lat współpracy pomiędzy Narodową Korporacją Starożytności i Muzeów w Sudanie a Muzeum Archeologicznym w Poznaniu, Poznań 2007

Chłodnicki/Krzyżaniak 2002
M. Chłodnicki i L. Krzyżaniak, Saving the Sudan’s Ancient Cultural Heritage. Forty Years of Co-operation in Archaeology between the Sudan and Poland, Poznań 2002

Dunham 1963
D. Dunham, The Royal Cemetery of Kush V: The West and South Cemeteries at Meroe, Boston 1963

Geus 1982
F. Geus, La section francaise de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan. Quatre années d’activités (1975-1979) [w:] P. van Moorsel (red.), New Discoyeries in Nubia. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Nubian Studies, the Hague, 1979, Lejda 1982, s. 11-20

F. Geus, Rescuing Sudan’s Ancient Cultures. A cooperation between France and the Sudan in the Field of Archaeology, Lille 1984

F. Geus, ….w: M. Kobusiewicz i L. Krzyżaniak (red.), Origin and Earły Development of Food-Producing Cultures in North-Eastern Africa, Poznań 1984

Geus/Reinold 1979
F. Geus i J. Reinold, Fouilles de sauvetage a EI-Kadada (Soudan): l – La campagne d’avril 1976, CRIPEL 5(1979), s.7-157

Krzyżaniak 1991
L. Krzyżaniak, Earły Farming in the Middłe Nile Basin, Antiquity 65 (1991), s. 515-532

Krzyżaniak 1992
L. Krzyżaniak, Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Kadero 1 – Eleventh Season, 1989, ÉT XVI (1992), s. 363-381

Phillips 2003
J. Phillips, An Overview of the Ceramics [w:] Zurawski 2003, s. 387-437

Phillips/EI-Tayeb 2003
J. Phillips i M. EI-Tayeb, The Pottery Assemblage from the Hammur Abbasiya tumulus field (SDRS Hammur 2) [w:] Zurawski 2003, s. 458-462

Reinold 1994
J. Reinold, Les fouilles françaises et franco-soudanaises: el-Kadada [w:] B. Gratien i F. Le Saout (red.), Nubie. Les cultures antiques du Soudan, Lille 1994, s. 51-66

Reinold 2000
J. Reinold, Archéologie au Soudan. Les civilisations de Nubie, Paryż 2000

Vila 1982
A.Vila, La prospection archéologique de la vallée du Nil au sud de la cataracte de Dal. Fascicule 13. La nécropole de Missiminia. II. Les sépultures napatéennes, Paryż 1982

Vila 1987
A.Vila, Le cimetiere kermaique d’Ukma Ouest, Paryż 1987

Wildung 1996
D. Wildung red., Sudan. Antike Koenigreiche am Nil, Tybinga 1996

Żurawski 1998a
B. Żurawski, Archaeological Reconaissance in the Abkor/Tergis Area (February 1997), GAMAR 1(1998), s. 133-143

Żurawski 1998b
B. Żurawski, Southern Dongola Reach Survey. Archaeological Reconnaissance near Abkor 1997, PAM IX, s. 181-193

Żurawski 1999
B. Żurawski, Dongola Reach. The Southern Dongola Reach Survey, 1998, PAM X, s. 149-160

Żurawski 2000
B. Żurawski, Dongola Reach. The Southern Dongola Reach Survey, 1998/99, PAM XI, s. 209-221

Żurawski 2002
B. Żurawski, Survey and Excavations between Old Dongola and ez-Zuma, Sudan & Nubia 6 (2002), s. 73-85

Żurawski 2003
B. Żurawski, Southern Dongola Reach Survey 1. Survey and Excavations between Old Dongola and Ez-Zuma (Nubia II), Warszawa 2003